
Para estafar a un cliente de VISA solo tienes que decir que quieres devolver el dinero

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Tu reclamación:

A. S.



Hola. Esta queja contra VISA se puede resumir en una frase: "Si quieres estafar a un cliente de VISA lo tienes fácil, solo tienes que vender un producto y después decir que no lo tienes y que vas a devolver el importe mediante transferencia". Esto es lo que me sucede. Cuando el vendedor (tiendadeelemtró / Lombok Lake) tardaba en enviar el producto comprado les contacté por watsup y me dijeron que no tenían el producto y que me devolverían el dinero. Para lo cual me pidieron una cuenta corriente. Esto me hizo sospechar y lo dije al banco (BBVA). Ellos directamente me dijeron que era raro, que no les diera mi número de cuenta y que ellos se ocupaban de todo. E inmediatamente me devolvieron el dinero en la tarjeta. Esto sucedió el 11 de julio. Pasados dos meses sin noticias recibo un mensaje del banco diciendo que mi reclamación se ha desestimado y me vuelven a quitar el dinero de la compra de la tarjeta. Contacté con el banco para que me dieran explicaciones y me dijeron que como el proveedor tiene voluntad de devolver el dinero no es un fraude. Esto después de dos meses pasados desde que manifestaron esa intención. Ante esto me quejé a mi interlocutor del banco, o sea, una intermediario sin más capacidad que escuchar y aguantar las quejas del cliente. Yo le argumentaba que nadie que quiera estafarte va a reconocerlo directamente y seguirá indefinidamente afirmando que quiere devolver el dinero. Y ella hizo lo único que puede hacer, decirme que remitiría mis argumentos a VISA. Esto fue el 8 de septiembre. Desde entonces estoy casi diariamente reclamando a Lombok Lake/tiendadeelectró y al banco una solución. El vendedor de vez en cuando me contesta y bien me dice que mañana pagará o me pide un dato más de la cuenta para hacer el pago. Por su parte VISA se apunta al método del vendedor y mantiene el silencio. Como ven esto es una fórmula de estafa perfecta, se puede vender cualquier producto inexistente, prometer que devolverás el dinero y esperar hasta que el cliente se canse y se rinda. Como es mi caso. ¿Qué opinan ustedes? Yo, mientras sea posible voy a comprar siempre en tiendas físicas y con moneda. De todo lo que cuento tengo constancia por escrito, ya que el diálogo con el falso proveedor ha sido por watsup y con el banco por mensajes escritos en su app.

Indica qué solución esperas para tu problema

  • Reembolso: € 110,51

Mensajes: (6)


A: A. S.


Thank you for contacting the Client Resolution team of Visa in Europe. Your query has been logged under reference number [SR2000532559] and will be assigned to one of our Analysts to assist in the resolution. If your query is about a live transaction processing issue or requires urgent assistance/escalation then please call us on your country specific number. Country specific numbers are available on Visa Online at the below address You may also alert us using Please use this reference number 2000532559 in all correspondence so that our case management system can efficiently track and update your query. Kind Regards, Client Resolution


A: A. S.


Hello  Abel, Thank you for contacting Visa. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience, as we currently do not support the language that you are writing to us. In an effort to provide assistance, we have translated your message and identified the following information to answer your inquiry: I apologise for any inconvenience. To support law enforcement investigations involving the use of Visa payment products - for example fraud on Visa accounts, accounts at risk, BIN verification, account detailsansaction details, we have a dedicated Police line which: is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year; operates in five languages: English, German, Italian, French, Spanish. If you need to use the Police Line (also known in some markets as the EU Law Enforcement Assistance (LEA) Service), the telephone numbers are: +1-303-967-1014. (calling collect from anywhere) Email contact address: How to identify a Visa account? A Visa account always starts with the number '˜4'. The account number on the front of the card (also known as a '˜PAN' or Primary Account Number) consists of 16 digits. The first 6 digits ('˜BIN' or Bank Identification Number) represent the issuing bank Thank you for writing, Maria Catherine Visa Webmaster Disclaimer: If you notice a change of from email address, then we are responding to your query from the correct department/mailbox. Electronic Notice. This email, and any attachments, contains information that is, or may be, covered by electronic communications privacy laws, and is also confidential and proprietary in nature. If you are not the intended recipient, please be advised that you are legally prohibited from retaining, using, copying, distributing, or otherwise disclosing this information in any manner. Instead, please reply to the sender that you have received this communication in error, and then immediately delete it. Any information you provide to us on this interaction will be used to assist you and for the other purposes described in the privacy notice posted at Please do not include sensitive personal data in any response to this email. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Copyright © 2012 Visa. All rights reserved.   ---------------------------- 0100 (British Summer Time) ón: Para estafar a un cliente de VISA solo tienes que decir que quieres devolver el dinero - (CPTES01886216-51)

A. S.



Una respuesta automática y genérica de un ordenador no debería considerarse como tal. Solo sirve para hacer perder el tiempo al cliente y resaltar la incompetencia del sistema.


A: A. S.


Thank you for contacting the Client Resolution team of Visa in Europe. Your query has been logged under reference number [SR2000541025] and will be assigned to one of our Analysts to assist in the resolution. If your query is about a live transaction processing issue or requires urgent assistance/escalation then please call us on your country specific number. Country specific numbers are available on Visa Online at the below address You may also alert us using Please use this reference number 2000541025 in all correspondence so that our case management system can efficiently track and update your query. Kind Regards, Client Resolution


A: A. S.


Hola  Customer, Gracias por comunicarse con Visa. Le pedimos disculpa de antemano por el inconveniente, ya que actualmente no proveemos servicios en el idioma que usted nos ha escrito. En un esfuerzo por brindarle asistencia, hemos traducido su mensaje e identificado la siguiente información para responder a su consulta:   I apologise for any inconvenience. Unfortunately, Visa cannot progress this case on your behalf since Visa does not have access to, or jurisdiction over, cardholder accounts. It may help you if I explain the role of Visa. Banks join Visa to either issue cards to their customers (e.g. yourself) or sign up retailers to accept the cards. Our client issuing banks are responsible for all account management and billing inquiries. Account information is confidential and is regulated by the Terms and Conditions between client banks and their cardholders. As Visa clients, the banks agree to abide by a set of rules and regulations. This ensures that the payment system works for everyone using it - wherever they are around the world.   When the bank signs up a cardholder, they have to ensure that their terms and conditions accommodate the standard requirements of Visa. As you are aware, in cases of disputed sale transactions, you may be eligible for a chargeback. Chargebacks are reversals of disputed sales transactions. Visa chargeback rules and regulations apply to all Visa credit and debit cards. As a Visa cardholder you have a right to approach your bank and ask them to request a refund if the goods and services you purchased with your debit or credit card are not supplied as specified. This also applies in the case where a merchant ceases trading. Please contact your card-issuing bank for detailed advice about chargebacks. You can contact them directly using the address or telephone number on your Visa statement, or on the back of your card. Gracias por comunicarse con Visa, Naoka Visa Webmaster Disclaimer: If you notice a change of from email address, then we are responding to your query from the correct department/mailbox. Electronic Notice. This email, and any attachments, contains information that is, or may be, covered by electronic communications privacy laws, and is also confidential and proprietary in nature. If you are not the intended recipient, please be advised that you are legally prohibited from retaining, using, copying, distributing, or otherwise disclosing this information in any manner. Instead, please reply to the sender that you have received this communication in error, and then immediately delete it. Any information you provide to us on this interaction will be used to assist you and for the other purposes described in the privacy notice posted at Please do not include sensitive personal data in any response to this email. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Copyright © 2012 Visa. All rights reserved.     ---------------------------- 0100 (British Summer Time) : Para estafar a un cliente de VISA solo tienes que decir que quieres devolver el dinero - (CPTES01886216-51)

A. S.



Resumiendo su mensaje: La respuesta de VISA es que mi afirmación inicial es correcta: a pesar de la publicidad, ante una estafa, VISA abandona al cliente a su suerte.