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Derechos del consumidor

OCU celebrates forty years defending consumers

10 jun. 2015
OCU celebrates forty years defending consumers

This year OCU celebrates its fortieth anniversary. Since its founding in November 1975, OCU has been working continuously, through a self-financing model for the rights of its more than 300,000 members in particular and for the whole society in general.

Since then OCU has made a decisive contribution to the struggle for recognition of the rights of consumers. A recognition that began with the inclusion of the legal figure of the consumer in the Constitution and culminated with the General Law on consumer protection in 1984.

During this time there have been many fronts where OCU has done its work. The fight against monopolies, especially the telephone monopoly, the actions in defence of the victims of the mass canola oil poisoning or fraud such as petrol stations, 903 telephone numbers, Forum and Afinsa or the most recent frauds such as preferred stock and Bankia, or actions against unfair terms in contracts are some of the most significant examples.

The consumer protection carried out by OCU has been developed in different settings, ranging from constantly denouncing abuses against consumers through the media, claiming their rights before various national and European administrations or, where necessary, the defence of individual or collective interests in court.

But there is one aspect that stands out in the work carried out by OCU during these 40 years. This is the most useful tool that can be offered to a consumer: information. Information reaching consumers through comparative analyses is one of the basic pillars of the work of OCU.

Another of the pillars on which the actions of OCU have been built since its inception has been its European vocation. Integrated into the Euroconsumer group and BEUC, OCU has contributed decisively to the creation of a body of rights to defend European consumers.

During these 40 years, consumers have changed significantly, especially through the impact of new technologies. OCU which aspires to continue working for at least another 40 years has also adapted itself as regards how it relates to society. Therefore, among other tools it has created the MOVILÍZATE platform with the aim that the requests of consumers can be heard and supported. Through this platform OCU develops different campaigns: For an end to roaming, Garantízate: fight for your rights, Do we know what we are eating?, Collective purchase: I want to pay less for my petrol, Transparency in hospitals, etc. In this way, each consumer can support one or more campaigns in which they are interested.

Throughout these 40 years there has been one constant in OCU, the unconditional support of its members. OCU wants to sincerely thank all those who during this long history have supported this work on behalf of consumers. Support we would like to count on for another 40 years.

For more information (media): Eva Jimenez Tel .: 91 722 60 61 -