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Value-added telephone services

01 ene. 1992
In 1992 added value telephone services began to be provided with the prefix 903. This came about with no guarantees, with no information and with a lot of advertising pressure, especially in so-called chat-line telephones or party lines. This caused serious economic problems.

These telephone services caused economic problems in many families. OCU took action to get on the one hand, regulation over such services and, secondly, the economic solution for over 200 users who had seen their telephone bills soar up into millions.
The regulation of value-added telephone services (achieved by OCU in 1993) established that  services could be provided under the 903 prefix only if expressly requested by consumers (except for those services that due to their social interest could be offered to all users: for these the prefix 906 was created).

Due to the zero demand for 903, its contents began migrating to the prefix 906, with complete passivity from the administration, so everything went back to the situation first denounced in 1992. And so OCU charged again: we reported over 1,000 numbers to the Secretary of State for Telecommunications.
Given their lack of action, we filed a lawsuit over these services irregularities. This lawsuit is the first one in Spain filed in defence of the diffuse interests of all consumers, which means that if the court finds in favour of the demands of OCU, then the sentence will apply to any person who can prove that they have been harmed by these services. The lawsuit was lodged in December 2001.
The battle continues: today with Premium SMS, for example